5 Minute Comprehension: Activity 2
Used with permission of Gillis & Eberhardt, authors of Comprehension: Knowledge to Practice.
Objective: To use visual clues and background knowledge to develop inference-making skills.
Target students: PreK-K
Materials needed: Photos or pictures of objects, window template(s) for overlay
How to do the activity:
1. Select a picture and cover it using the window template to reveal only a portion of the picture. Make sure that the remainder of the picture is not visible to the students.

2. Discuss what the image in the window looks like. Encourage students to provide descriptive observations (e.g., orange, bumpy).
3. Have students guess what the picture might be (e.g., corn on the cob, bumps on a knit sweater). Ask students "What makes you say that?" "What do you notice?" to help students articulate what prompted their guesses.
4. Remove the window to reveal the image. Discuss the students' guesses compared to the actual image.

5. Repeat the process with other images.