Why Phonics?
Dear Whole Phonics™ Community,
Whether you're fairly new to the differing approaches to reading instruction, or a veteran literacy teacher, one thing is certain: there is always more to learn about the best ways to teach young students how to read. Here at Whole Phonics™, well, let’s just say we’re in favor of a phonics-based approach. But why? The reason is clear: neuroscience supports phonics. Here’s how: |
1. Reading is a relatively new human skill (evolutionarily), and our brains need a system to organize language. |
"...the brain is not preorganized for reading. It has to figure out how to organize this new information—where to store the different elements involved in reading and how to connect them instantly. Genetics plays a role here, as does the brain's response to injury or illness. But for most children, their first experiences with letters and words dictate how the brain establishes neural networks that may become habitual pathways as reading skills develop.” (Educational Leadership) |
"Writing is a code humans invented to represent speech sounds. Kids have to crack that code to become readers."
Emily Hanford, The Hechinger Report |
2. The left brain is optimized for the task of associating sounds to print, and phonics puts reading in the left brain where it belongs.
"What does pronunciation have to do with reading? Linnea Ehri (2002) shed light on how readers can look at thousands of words and instantly recognize their meaning. According to Ehri, the sight of a word triggers its pronunciation, and it is this pronunciation that has been stored in memory for convenient access along with the meaning of the word. Our lips may not be moving when we read, but our brains are 'talking.' Ehri's studies show that trying to recognize thousands of words from their visual appearance alone (pattern recognition) is almost impossible. Speech memory is the key.
3. Phonics instruction leads to increased left brain activation.
in comprehension.
Prefer learning by video? Watch this informative segment with Professor Stanislas Dehaene to learn more about the brain-based research on the importance of phonics. |
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Happy Reading!
Jill Lauren and the Whole Phonics™ Team |