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    Sequential and Highly Structured

    We introduce one sound at a time and provide plenty of opportunities to practice new sounds. This approach makes learning attainable, setting children up for success.

    Explore our Scope & Sequence

    Kids Stay Engaged

    Because all Whole Phonics books have fun storylines that kids love reading, students stay engaged as they learn critical phonics skills.

    Character Continuity

    The characters students meet appear again and again throughout the series. Children become invested in reading the next book to find out what happens to their new friends.

    Don't Just Take Our Word For It

    The components of our program are the same components that are recommended in the highly regarded National Reading Panel report.

    Read the Report
    • “My beginning readers in third grade love Whole Phonics books!

      It’s hard to find decodable texts that are appealing to upper elementary students, but these are super engaging. My students love to see characters reappear throughout the series.”

      - Amy, Minnesota Teacher

    • “We absolutely love your decodable texts. They are hands down the favorite decodable by staff and students among the many other companies we have purchased from.” 

      - Jessica, Illinois Teacher

    • “Whole Phonics has made an enormous impact on the readers in our community. We recommend them often, and their simple to follow scope and sequence helps readers build skills and retain them by moving step by step through the process. Each book includes a skills guide that empowers caregivers and educators to support their readers at home.”

      - Amanda, Richland Public Library, SC

    • Consonants

      In our Off We Go! series, students will learn all of the consonants and the short a sound.

    • Short Vowels

      In Level 1, students will get lots of practice reading short vowels in CVC words.

    • Digraphs

      In Level 2, they will get lots of practice reading two letters that make up one sound, such as:

    • Glued sounds

      In Level 3, they will get lots of practice reading the tricky glued sounds, -ing, -ink, -ang, -ank.

    • Blends

      In Level 3, students will practice beginning blends, and in Level 4 they will practice ending blends, such as:

    • Clusters

      In Level 4, students will have the chance to read words with clusters str, spl, scr, spr.

    • Compound Words

      In Level 4, students will get the opportunity to practice reading compound words.